Tips for Buyers (Please Read Before Registering).
Most adverts have all the details needed for you to contact the seller. Its up to you and the seller to arrange payment and delivery between yourselves. Ask questions until you are sure.
Tips for Sellers (Please Read Before Registering).
Before placing your advert, make sure you have all the details to hand, you will need a product name, it's category, a short description, a full description, a price and at least one image.
Militaria: Noun
Artifacts or replicas of military, police, etc., collected for their historical significance. Some time referred to as 'military antiquities' or 'military antiques'.
This site comes from a simple idea that the major sites that allow you to sell your items seem to make charges that are simply over the top, on this site there will always be a free listing and you can renew it free as well, that's our policy and we will stick to it. There is a small charge if you want to put your advert on for a longer period, make it bolder or a priority listing, but that's up to you. The site exists to give sellers a shop window and to link buyers to sellers.
We don't get involved in the sale itself, sellers and buyers can do the deal between themselves.
We will always have free adverts available to our registered users
It is our policy that there will always be at least one way to place an advert on this site, where there is no charge whatsoever